Where was I?

Stoopid spam.

Anyway, obviously another busy week. One of the lead developers on my project got pneumonia and was out all week. Adding other problems meant punting the deadline until some time next month. I still worked hard on it; I stayed home Thursday to work on it, and only went online to search for code. Next week should be better, as I may move to another project.

We’ve got new kitchen counters and the dishwasher is finally in. It looks great, and once we replace (or refinish) the cabinet doors, the kitchen will look like new. Today we put everything back in the cabinets. An easy way to tell when something needs to go is when neither one of us can figure out what it is.

Last night we went to Jammin’ Java to see Stephen Kellogg and Braddigan (formerly of Dispatch). We were late because of waiting for the contracter to finish, and when we walked in, the seats were long gone. The opener (Matt Wertz) was still on, and I decided we weren’t going to stand for 3 hours because a) Jill wouldn’t, and b) I was hungry. So we walked around the block, checked out a nice (but way too expensive for spur of the moment) Italian place, and settled on a Thai place.

Very tasty – I had a chicken and seafood in Wonton shell appetizer and chili duck, Jill had some soup and chicken in a coconut milk sauce. Before we ordered, the waitress said to Jill, “I just wanted to tell you you’re so beautiful”, at which Jill got flustered and blushed deeply. Then I joked “she obviously isn’t aware that I’m paying for the dinner”. Funny. We got back to show to see 3 songs from Braddigan (he was good) and 6 or 7 from Stephen Kellogg. Neither of us was in the mood to stand for a long time.

I had a neurosoma treatment this morning, then ran some errands before we cleaned up the kitchen. Jill’s working tonight, so I’m on my own, which means the usual debauchery (reading, watching, surfing). Now I need to go make packages from my eBay auction.

Is it over yet?

Another long week that will stretch into next week. The project I’m on has to be turned in by Wednesday, so Tuesday night is the latest I’ll be working on it. I worked some today, and will go in Monday, but begged off tomorrow.

Not much time for anything this week (although I did get out on time Thursday so we could catch Getaway Car and Pat McGee Band at the Birchmere). Today has been a catchup day, and tomorrow I’ll start the taxes.


Working backwards…

We weren’t sure when (or if) I’d get out of work, so no reservations. We ended up going to the Korean BBQ place on Elden. Jill had not had Korean before, and really enjoyed it. I did too. We shared beef, pork, and seafood.

When Jill got home, she found a brand new iron wine rack, with flowers and chocolate on top. When I got home, I found all three seasons of Alias waiting for me.

Weekend was good – actually got through half of my 3 month comics backlog, made my cheese and pepper chicken dish, and just generally relaxed – I’d almost forgotten what that was like.

24 hours of hell

Thursday morning I was awakened around 4 by my stomach – it wasn’t feeling good. I tossed and turned until 8, then got up. I made it through a shower, then felt nauseous and headed back to bed. I slept for two more hours, then got up and headed into work. A lousy day – it felt like I was thinking through gauze. My stomach kept doing little flips all day, and I won’t dicuss my lower-gi distress. I left a little early, and had a little applesauce before bed. Last night I was again awakened at 4, but this time it felt like indigestion. I went downstairs to pop some tums, then laid on the couch. When I woke up an hour later, the pain was gone.

Today I haven’t had much to eat, but I’m feeling better. Near as I can tell the leftover fajitas I had for lunch Wednesday had gone bad, but I couldn’t tell with the 7-layer dip over them. Teach me to start labeling the dang leftovers.

They weren’t kidding

I missed last week’s Herndon Festival meeting, and apparently a number of other people did too, but I saw what it is on Pollstar: Holly managed to book Ari Hest on Friday, and Eddie From Ohio on Sunday. And she’s still looking for a big name for Saturday. Man, it’s great having concerts you can walk to, but it’s even better when they’re free shows you’d pay big money to see.

Ok, off to bed now.

And our coolest wedding present…

Chris and Jess got us tickets to Spamalot in March. It’s a midweek show, and we’re deciding how long we want to stay (we’re going up Wednesday, and could stay until Sunday). I’d like to see “Avenue Q”, “Saturday Night Live” and “The Daily Show” (if we could get in, it’d have to be standby for the TV shows), but I’m not sure what else.

Clean house, tired me

We cleaned and cooked Sunday afternoon. It was nice to have the doors and windows opened (plus it got out the smell of wings being fried). We finished up at 6 – 10 minutes before people showed. Deadlines are good for us, they force us to get things done. Super Bowl was fun, commercials were ok, but it was a nice game until the Pats pulled away in the fourth quarter. I ate way too much, and just crashed around midnight (maybe staying up past 4 the previous two nights was pushing it).

Wasn’t able to drag myself out of bed until 9 the next morning, didn’t make it into work before 10:30. Good thing, as it was still busy. My project’s done, but now I’m helping on another one due next week. Can’t stay late tomorrow (massage night), but Thursday and maybe Friday I might if we can’t get enough done during the day.

Great googoly moogoly!

Is it Saturday already? Man, what a week. Our project’s due Monday, and I stayed until midnight last night so I wouldn’t have to go in today (although I still might get a call – fingers crossed). Long nights every day but Thursday, when I put in 6 hours.

Thursday my plan worked, even with the snow. I took bus to Metro to Springfield, where we went to Mike’s American – I had the prime rib, she had the drunken ribeye. I asked for coleslaw instead of mashed potatoes so I could have more of their fabulous bread. Her surprise was a book signing by Rita Mae Brown, one of her favorite mystery writers, at the Bailey’s Borders. A fun talk, a good night, and that meant I had energy for yesterday’s marathon.

Today Jill’s asleep – she worked a night shift last night. I’m cleaning – almost done with the office, next going to shower, then hit the living room, then groceries. We’ve only got 3 definite guests for the Super Bowl tomorrow, but I still want it to look nice.