
Monday the 1st I never knew what I was going to get after bathtime. That night we were the Neverland pirates looking for gold doubloons, while the night before Nina performed a concert and she took requests (I wanted to hear “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt”).


Saturday it was too bad emmet swimming didn’t play “You’re So Pretty”, because it would have been the perfect pairing of Fairfax songs with “Tank Farm Free” by opener Smartbomb at the State Theatre. Nice sets by both bands (loved the piano outro on “Motorway” and the addition of “Take Me Out To The Ball Game” during “So Lonely”). Sunday we took Nina to the Fall For Fairfax where she had a fun time seeing animals and playing. Later I knew it was gonna get loud in the Frey household at Christmas because I strung my first guitar (pale pink).

emmet swimming

Monday the 6th Nina had her first field trip to Ballentine Farm to see animals and pumpkins. Wednesday Nina and I had an argument over whether socks and pants were necessary to go to school. I won it by having her go outside in nothing but a shirt to see how cold it was. I think I’m definitely in the running for parent of the year. Also, we think we know why she’s sleeping so late – she’s grown almost an inch and a half in a little over a month since her birthday. At this rate she’ll be taller than Steve Curtis.

Jill Nina

Saturday the 11th we flew up to Hartford where Dave picked us up. Robin and Mike had been convinced to have a party celebrating their wedding the following day, and Jill wanted to help get ready. We picked up hot dogs for lunch on the way in at Nick’s Nest, then I took Nina and her cousin Ava acorn hunting (for decorations) while Jill and her sisters decorated and her mom and Dave cooked. Jill and I ducked out for a quick trip to Northampton (and a beer) before we had Chinese food for dinner courtesy of Mike’s parents.

Dave Sue

The next day Jill left early with Dave to help set up while I hung out with Nina and helped Sue a bit. We drove over to Stanley Park with Gram, then helped deliver the food while Nina ran around with all her cousins. The roasted pig went fast, as did most of the food. It was cool enough for jackets, but still an enjoyable day outside. The next morning we got up early to drive to the airport and fly home (I ended up working half a day). The oddest thing was being on the same flight as my coworker Marc and his family both ways (2nd oddest was them fixing a mechanical problem on the way up by pulling a panel in the middle of the aisle while we sat there).

Melissa Robin Jill

Wednesday the 15th I gave thanks to the rain – it’s been a long time since I’ve needed a complete change of outfit (skies opened as we hit the tunnel). Luckily Nina had a change of clothes at school. Friday Nina learned she did like Snickers ice cream bars (she said she wouldn’t because she “doesn’t like peanuts”) and put the first two coins in her piggy bank. Later I made a playlist of all the music I have from 2014. Even taking out the live tracks, I had over 50 hours of music listen to to choose my favorite 20 for my annual list.


Saturday the 18th I took Nina to the Reston Community Center after lunch for their Halloween Family Fun Day. They had games with candy for prizes, a puppet show, and her favorite a bounce house. Sunday her classmate had a birthday party and yet another bounce house, but it was cold enough she had to go inside twice to warm up (there were plenty of toys as consolation). Later we met up with my dad and mom to celebrate my birthday early at Don Pablo’s, had carrot cake cupcakes my mom made for dessert, then Jill and I went to see Paula Cole at the Barns At Wolf Trap for the best show I’ve seen by her.

Paula Cole

Wednesday was my birthday. I had a massage after work, then Jill brought home Chinese takeout. The cream cheese pumpkin cupcakes Jill and Nina made were excellent; the evening ending tantrum by Nina and the poop Illa left downstairs were not as fun. But then it was time for TV and a glass of Jameson. I explained to the dog later it was better if he pooped in the kitchen or the dining room. The next morning morning I got my wish – he pooped both places. Too bad he also peed on the stairs (note to self: add gusty winds to the things he’s terrified of). I also got to argue with Nina for 20 minutes about using the toilet in the morning (I “won” because she sat on it for 5 seconds).


Friday my birthday gift to myself was a solo night out seeing The Jayhawks (v3.0 1997-2003) at the 9:30 Club then the tasty lamb dip and a beer at Right Proper. I considered lurking outside the Black Cat to try and get into the Foo Fighters show but decided going home was a better idea. Nina quite enjoyed her trip to Wendy’s with Jill.

Jill Nina

Saturday the 25th Nina had a Halloween party at school where she played games and got a balloon elephant. She got extra time playing with her friend Briar as Jill and I volunteered to help clean up. Sunday Nina and Jill decorated their pumpkins by painting them. Nina managed to get paint everywhere, even wearing a smock.

Nina Jill

On Halloween I took Nina trick or treating (she dressed as Supergirl and I as Duff Man) alongside her BFF Felix as Iron Man. My mom came over and Jill and I took the subway (her first Silver Line ride) to arrive in DC minutes before Fleetwood Mac hit the stage. Christine McVie’s long awaited return was incredible, Lindsey Buckingham is still the man. Post concert dinner at Daikaya was the best ramen I’ve ever had, then we costume watched on the Metro (I particularly enjoyed everyone at Gallery Place “finding” the Waldo on the other platform).

Kerry Nina