Overindulgence (sun, comics, dogs)

Saturday was a great lazy day. The sun was shining, and after I made breakfast, started soaking beans for dinner and did some auction prep, I had nothing that needed doing. So I took advantage of the nice day, and spent hours on the deck, listening to CDs and reading the newspaper and two months of comics. I usually spend about a max of two hours reading out there and don’t use sunscreen, so it didn’t occur to me to use it. I needed it, as now I’ve got some sunburn – some on my arms, but mostly on my knees and lower legs (thank goodness for aloe). I made a ham and bean soup for dinner while I watched some South Park. After dinner Jill was studying for a test, and I’d read so much I didn’t feel like reading, so I watched The Lion King (we’re going to see the musical in August) and did some more auction prep.

Today it was cooler and rainy, but I didn’t want to go out (other than taking Illa out, of course). I started another auction and finished one from last week, which took most of the early afternoon. We took Illa with us over to my mom’s in the evening for my dad’s birthday. Illa and her dog, Tati, had a good time playing while I started the grill for the steaks. We had a good meal and a fun evening, but at the end we tried to have the dogs together in the living room. Neither of them is very socialized with other dogs and kept trying to play with each other. Mom and I finally got them settled, but it took a lot of energy holding them back. We left not long after that, as I was tired and Jill still had some studying to do.