Eastern Shore and Easter

Friday I managed to get home before Jill, so I took Illa on a good run/walk, then got back and started making Reubens. Jill showed with Sue and Dave in tow having picked them up at Union Station on the way home. We had dinner then chatted for a little while, then everyone but me went to bed. I got a little farther in Super Mario (first time in two weeks), and managed to stay up long enough to greet my sister, who had to pick up a friend from a late night flight at Dulles and asked if she could stay over (I warned her it was the couch).

Saturday I got up in time to make eggs and bacon for everyone, then Sharon and Bill (her friend) left. Jill and her mom went shopping at Wegman’s, and when they got back Dave and I went to Safeway. When we were done, we headed over to Annapolis, meeting my Dad and having some drinks at O’Brien’s to get out of the showers, then did some more shopping before having dinner at Middleton Tavern. I wanted seafood, and had Oysters Rockefeller and Calamari while Jill had a filet mignon with lumb crab meat, both very good.

After dinner we parted ways with Dad and headed over to the Eastern Shore and the town of Easton. We had talked about going out to see a show, but there wasn’t anything in the area we wanted to see. But then on Thursday I got an email from Jim Boggia, a favorite power pop purveyor of ours from Philadelphia. He was playing at Coffee East in Easton, and even though it was close to two hours away from us, we knew it’d be a good show, and we could introduce Sue and Dave to Annapolis. The show was very good, and Jim was funny and self-effacing as usual. We were fine getting back, but crashed not long after getting home.

Easter Sunday Jill and Sue headed off to church while I started breakfast, making hollandaise sauce for both Eggs Benedict and dinner. After we ate I started cooking the ham alongside Sue’s baked beans, then got busy with the week’s auctions (pretty good this week, sold 59 of 67 auctions) while Jill did the fruit salad and chocolate pudding pie and Sue made potatoes au gratin. I started steaming the asparagus and had a couple minutes to read on the deck before getting ready. My folks and sister came over at 5, and we had some appetizers before sitting down to dinner (I also grilled a little lamb for my dad and me). We cleaned up before dessert, a lemon tart from Wegman’s in addition to the pie. We had a nice evening and it was good to catch up with everyone, but except for Jill and her folks everyone had to get up early tomorrow and headed out a little after 9.