DC and chocolate

We started the weekend off early with a trip to the Firkin & Hound, an English pub clone in South Riding. Our fave local Todd Wright was playing there with his solo mix of originals and covers. Our friend Linda was there, and we caught up while we watched. For whatever reason, we missed the rain on the way there and back. Friday was light, watched some TV and made Hot Pockets for dinner (they’re closer to sandwiches if you slice them open). Later we played Wii together for the second time – fun when you’re playing against someone.

Saturday I got an early start, swung by Annandale to pick up some Skins tix I found on Craiglist on my way to Clarendon. I hopped Metro, and headed down to the Mall to the National Book Festival. I wanted to catch Terry Pratchett, and got there just in time. He mostly did a q&a, but as usual had hilarious answers, including an account of cowriting Good Omens. Plus I learned that a live-action Hogfather is available on DVD (only region 2, though). I decided to wait in the autograph line, which was a little nuts, took almost 90 minutes to get to the front of the line.

I headed back to Clarendon, headed over to my fave CD store before enjoying the bands and atmosphere at Clarendon Day. I had to get something to eat (especially when I found they had Magic Hat at the beer truck), and just like last year, stopped at Eleventh Street Lounge for a snack. This time I had deep fried deviled eggs and duck wraps (like egg rolls with duck) – yum! After I finished, I caught the end of these united states (not bad), but I was there to see The Sketches, a local power pop band I hadn’t seen but had been meaning to (I’d seen the singer before). They were nice, I picked up their CD and headed home. I rustled up some salad and leftover ribs before we headed to Fairfax where friends were hosting a chocolate fondue party. I was glad I just had dinner, so was not tempted to graze constantly. It was good to catch up with the friends that were there, and stayed a bit longer than planned.

Today was pretty lazy, took Illa for a walk, finished off some eBay auctions, read the paper, and watched some TV. I made pasta for dinner, then hopped online to surf. Next more TV, and probably some Wii. The copy of Wario Ware that arrived last week, turned out to be single player, so I’ve only played it once, I’m on the lookout for good 2 player games. I think I’ll also pick up the new Dance Dance Revolution – definitely looks like something we’ll sweat with.