
Hi, and welcome to my blog. I didn’t have a lot of New Year’s resolutions (doesn’t everyone resolve to lose 10 pounds?), but two I intend to keep: exercise more, and update my website. The most frequently updated part up to now was the concert list, which lists every concert I’ve been to, setlists if I’ve got them, and future shows. That will get a facelift in the next couple months, as I’m moving it to database driven instead of hand coded. I’ve been reading friend’s Livejournals, and have been inspired to start my own, but using Movable Type (what’s the point in having your own domain, and free Perl & MySQL if you don’t use them). Credit must go to danker for the idea.

[Edit – 2014]
Anything with a date previous to this post was originally published in some other form (hopefully with a source note), but gathered here now for posterity.