Spring cleaning

Since we cleaned the house last weekend, now it’s time for the blog. In addition to the new theme, I’ve added a link on the left to my Google Reader shared items. Google Reader was already the best way to read websites, but now they’ve added the ability to not only share those sites, but also make notes on them. They also make a nice widget to show your shared items, but as of now offer no way to show the notes you’ve added except on your shared items page (when they do, I’ll probably change to the widget). So think of my shared items page as things I thought were interesting, but not enough to write a blog post about.

eBay record kinda weekend

I thought the 50 auctions I did a couple weeks ago was good, then last week I did 46. Not bad, but this weekend I crushed ’em both – 105 auctions, all X-Men and related comics. I’ve got one more decent sized one next weekend, then I’m going to cut back (but I’ll have made a sizable dent in the comics I don’t want anymore).

The weekend was ok – we knew the weather wasn’t going to be great, but Jill has an exam on Tuesday so she was studying. I spent lots of time taking pictures, getting descriptions ready, and starting the auctions, as well as packaging and shipping the winners from last week (at least I watched some movies while I did work downstairs).

Not bad for food – quick leftover fajitas Friday, I slow cooked a pork loin and made pulled pork Saturday, and grilled a steak tonight. I finally got to the last galaxy in Super Mario Friday, but didn’t finish – Jill got more time this weekend with it than I did. The only one unhappy with the weekend is Illa – we did play some and went outside today, but he hasn’t gotten quite as much playtime as he’d like.


If you read this blog, you know I like my Wii. But one of the main reasons I bought it was for Wii Fit, now targeted for release in May. The interviews with its creators reveals that it ships with skiing and snowboarding games, which I was hoping they’d have for it soon. Those have always been some of my favorite things to do in an arcade (video clips are embedded in the interviews). There’s a third party game called We Ski also coming out this spring, but I’ll probably just stick to the Wii Fit first. Also interesting to find out is the shape of the Wii Balance Board is based on its origin of two scales mushed together (based on the idea that sumo wrestlers weigh themselves with two). There’s also a hula hoop game and a jogging game you can play while watching TV.

Innovation of the year

You thought it was the iPhone, didn’t you? Nope (although it won best gadget). Popular Science has picked its winners, and while there are a number of intriguing items (check out www.midomi.com and lose a fun hour, if only I’d had that when I had a record store), the best of the best is a new solar panel from Nanosolar that could revolutionize power (if it’s finally cheaper than burning coal, there’s no reason not to switch).

Story courtesy of the Dilbert Blog

Technical difficulties

Ok, I’m still not sure how it was broken or fixed, only that it took a lot of work and it’s back now. It’s kinda like fixing a car or a person – all you want is everything in working order again.