Ides of March

Jill and I are no longer going to be passing ships. We were going to be gone different weeks in a row. Her mom is going to be undergoing surgery to remove some cancerous growth. Originally, the surgery was scheduled for last Friday, now it’s this Friday. Jill’s going to stay with her for a week. In the meantime, I’ve got to return to Vancouver Sunday – business this time. We were going to see each other for a couple hours – now Jill will leave on Thursday, and I’ll be (hopefully) back in time (at National) to pick her up at BWI the following Saturday.

It was a decent weekend – Friday Jill still hadn’t recovered from her 3 day in a row, followed by going all the way to BWI and back when the surgery was postponed until this week, so she crashed. I watched some TV – Bill Maher (George Carlin was on), the new show “Wonderfalls” (quirky and funny) and “Death To Smoochy” (very dark, but a sweet center).

I ran a bunch of errands on Saturday, then we went to dinner at Red Robin with Dave and Hannah. We were going to play pool later, but dinner ran long, and Jill was working Sunday day. Turns out it was a good thing – the place we picked to play pool was a billiards store – damn you Yahoo Yellow Pages!

I slept in Sunday and took it easy. Made some huevos rancheros for breakfast and tacos for dinner. Read the newspaper, most of my comics pile for the month. When Jill got home, we watched Simpsons and Alias, then a special on the Great American Beer Festival (except she started falling asleep in the middle). The festival sounds fun, and it’s at the end of September – but she refuses to move the wedding so we can honeymoon there. Oh well, at least we’ll have the Old Dominion Beer Festival in June.