Wow, the weekend is over already?

It was kinda like work – sometimes the busier you are, the faster the time goes. Let’s make it more like work and take the bullet point approach to the weekend:

  • Made a funky chicken dish (was planning on fajitas, but I pulled out wingettes) with a chipotle sauce
  • Made two more DVDs (if I keep the pace, I may finish in 2012)
  • Didn’t make any concerts (was thinking about two on Sunday, but the thunderstorms were discouraging for outdoor concerts
  • Made my favorite ever huevos rancheros with the leftover chipotle sauce
  • Watched a lot of TV, including the rest of the first season of Burn Notice (was recommended to watch last summer, but they never showed the pilot again), excellent writing and acting
  • Finished my last auction for a while and it was excellent (especially since the last two didn’t do that well)
  • Organized my DV tapes and burned DVDs (without menus or organization) which helped me realize it will take me years to get it all the way I want it
  • Vacuumed