Family reunion

As of right now, I’ll see all of my family within the next week – but all three separately. We were supposed to go over to my mom’s for dinner with her and my sister Monday. Jill got off work at 2:30, and I left at 3 to work from home because of the snow. We decided not to go to Mom’s for dinner (and I skipped a show) to stay home, as the snow was coming down about an inch an hour by the time we would have left.

Anyway, we’re going to meet my sister (and maybe boyfriend) tomorrow for dinner; we’ll be in Annapolis Saturday for a concert (Gary and Marc from the Jayhawks) and Dad’s agreed to meet us for dinner, and Mom’s invited us over next Friday for an early St. Patrick’s Day dinner. Maybe in April (after Sharon gets back from Africa) we’ll all get together.

New dinner plan

So Jill laid down the new dinner rules – no TV, and we have to eat at the kitchen or dining room table. It’s been a little weird so far, especially since I wolfed my food on Sunday to not miss the Oscars (not bad, I liked the monologue, and thought Beyonce was an interesting choice for the numbers), but then there was this in the Post today: It turns out that a number of studies show that the family that eats together eats better. And under sub headings: Turn off the television. A Tufts University study found that children whose families regularly watch television during meals eat less fruit, fewer vegetables and more pizza, snack food and soda than those who turn off the tube during dinner.

It’s official: she knows everything now.