Social Saturday

We followed the plan exactly. We were in Ashland by noon for homecoming, got to see a number of people. We left around 3, were home by 5 to change into costumes (she was “Kiss of the Spider Woman” and I was Indiana Jones). We left by 6, got up to Leigh & Mike’s (near BWI) by 8. We saw their funky cool new house (made of stone), and hung out for a while before Jill started to get tired. But we still had to hit Alan and Eve’s party (on the way back), and Jill got a second wind. We were home by 2 (before factoring in the time change), and headed to bed as Jill needed to be up somewhat early this morning to pack for her trip home (yes, I’m solo this week, but it’s much like when she works night, i.e. we won’t see each other and will talk on the phone at night).

Today I went grocery shopping, cleaned up the pantry, got the recylables and donations ready to go, while watching the Redskins lose again. At least there’s one bright spot: the last home game before a presidential election, if the Redskins lose, so does the incumbent.