March 22nd: Killarney

Resolving not to drink much more for the remainder of my trip, I got up and checked out. The morning trip to Killarney got me in town by 9:30 with time to kill until my 2:30 train. I spent the time shopping, buying gifts for family at Blackthorn House on Main Street and a claddagh ring for Jill at Kavanaghs of Killarney on College Street. The train was fairly crowded and only got more so as we got closer to Dublin, I think it was mainly it being a Friday afternoon and people coming in for the weekend. I returned to the same hostel (only about a 10 minute walk from O’Connell Street) I stayed at earlier (and the 80 degree room that 9 other guys were in). I grabbed dinner at The Steps Of Rome near Grafton Street, then finished with a pint of Smithwick at Whelan’s Pub.

[Originally published at GoHither.Net]