Graduation and party

Thursday we braved some horrendous weather and associated traffic to get to Georgetown for a reception for Jill and her classmates. They had a nice spread of appetizers, and I met a number of her classmates and teachers that I hadn’t met previously. We got there late, but they ran a bit over the scheduled time and Jill was able to chat with everyone she wanted. Here are Kelly (our temporary roommate) and Jill.

Kelly and Jill

Friday Jill picked me up after work, and we headed over to Jammin’ Java. We waited 30 minutes before they opened seating, got our seats and ordered dinner (salad and chili for me, half sandwich and chili for her). Stuart joined us for the show, and Shelly was working merch, and it was nice to catch up with them both. We were there for Robbie Schaefer‘s album release show, and we also managed to chat with the rest of efo during sets. John Jennings (who produced his album) was scheduled to open the show, but that turned out to be wrong as he was Robbie’s guitar player during the two sets Robbie played. A really good show, but Jill was developing a headache and we left just before the end (at least we heard all the new songs played).

Saturday I was up early after being up late working on the party favors, and we managed to finish cleaning before we had to get dressed and leave. We met Sharon and my parents for lunch at The Tombs near campus, Jill had a nice salad with fried chicken bits and I had an Eggs Benedict. Jill had to leave early to get ready for graduation (technically a “completion ceremony” since it’s not official until June), and we followed along soon after to get good seats. The ceremony was nice, but took a while since it included nursing students and three other master’s programs. Afterwards they served cake and champagne, but we didn’t stay long as we still had things to do.

Jill at graduation

After we got home, I headed to the store for a little more food and sodas, and Jill started decorating. I got back, put food away, and joined in (we’ll need more lights next year, more were burned out than I thought). We were ready just in time for our first guests to show up (as usual). The party was much fun, with the usual mix of friends and coworkers. More food was brought, and too little consumed (as our groaning fridge will attest). For a change, everything was over by midnight, but that was a good thing as we were both pretty exhausted.

Today we both hung out at home. I watched the Skins lose a game that they shouldn’t have (giving the Bengals only their second win), then tried to catch up on newspapers. I watched a movie while making a fiery West African stew with beef, chicken and peanut butter, now Jill is watching Christmas movies while working on Christmas cards.

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